Abstract Testnet

Contract Diff Checker

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import "solady/src/auth/Ownable.sol";
import "solady/src/utils/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "solady/src/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";

import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/IPyth.sol";
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/PythStructs.sol";

// Minimal interface to your Bozon that has `minterMint(...)`.
interface IBozon {
    function minterMint(address to, uint256 amount) external;
    // optional if you want to check totalSupply, decimals, etc.
    // function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

// Minimal interface for ERC20 stables
interface IERC20 {
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

/// @notice A production-ready "Sale" contract that sells Bozon tokens for ETH, USDC, USDT, PENGU,
///         with price references from Pyth. This contract is Ownable, uses ReentrancyGuard, and
///         expects to be granted the "Minter" role in Bozon (i.e. `bozon.setMinter(address(this), true)`).
///         1) Each `purchaseWithX` method does the typical Pyth "pull oracle" approach:
///            - The user passes `priceUpdate` from Hermes + pays the `updateFee` if needed.
///            - The contract calls `pyth.updatePriceFeeds(...)`.
///            - We read the feed to know how much X is 1 USD, or how many USD is the X the user paid.
///         2) We convert the user’s payment in X to an equivalent `$paidUSD`.
///         3) We compute how many Bozons => minted = ($paidUSD * 1e18) / pricePerTokenUsd.
///         4) Mint the Bozon to the user.
///         5) Transfer the stable/ETH to the `treasury`.
contract BozonSale is Ownable, ReentrancyGuard {
    using SafeTransferLib for address payable;
    using SafeTransferLib for address;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // STORAGE
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// @notice The Bozon token contract (which has setMinter(...) for us).
    IBozon public bozon;

    /// @notice The Pyth contract. e.g. on Abstract => see docs for the correct address.
    IPyth public pyth;

    /// @dev The feed ID for ETH/USD, USDC/USD, USDT/USD, PENGU/USD, etc.
    bytes32 public ethUsdFeedId;
    bytes32 public usdcUsdFeedId;
    bytes32 public usdtUsdFeedId;
    bytes32 public penguUsdFeedId;

    /// @notice The address of the USDC, USDT, and PENGU tokens on your chain.
    address public usdc;
    address public usdt;
    address public pengu;

    /// @notice The sale price of 1 Bozon in USD, scaled by 1e18.
    ///         e.g. if 1 Bozon = $1, then pricePerTokenUsd = 1e18.
    uint256 public pricePerTokenUsd;

    /// @notice The treasury that will receive the stablecoins or ETH.
    address public treasury;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

        address _owner,           // EOA or MultiSig to be owner
        address _bozon,
        address _pyth,
        bytes32 _ethUsdFeedId,
        bytes32 _usdcUsdFeedId,
        bytes32 _usdtUsdFeedId,
        bytes32 _penguUsdFeedId,
        address _usdc,
        address _usdt,
        address _pengu,
        address _treasury,
        uint256 _pricePerTokenUsd
    ) {
        _initializeOwner(_owner);  // from Solady Ownable
        bozon = IBozon(_bozon);
        pyth = IPyth(_pyth);

        ethUsdFeedId = _ethUsdFeedId;
        usdcUsdFeedId = _usdcUsdFeedId;
        usdtUsdFeedId = _usdtUsdFeedId;
        penguUsdFeedId = _penguUsdFeedId;

        usdc = _usdc;
        usdt = _usdt;
        pengu = _pengu;

        treasury = _treasury;
        pricePerTokenUsd = _pricePerTokenUsd;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    function setTreasury(address newTreasury) external onlyOwner {
        treasury = newTreasury;

    function setPricePerTokenUsd(uint256 newPrice) external onlyOwner {
        pricePerTokenUsd = newPrice;

    function setFeedIds(bytes32 _eth, bytes32 _usdc, bytes32 _usdt, bytes32 _pengu) external onlyOwner {
        ethUsdFeedId = _eth;
        usdcUsdFeedId = _usdc;
        usdtUsdFeedId = _usdt;
        penguUsdFeedId = _pengu;

    function setPythContract(address _pyth) external onlyOwner {
        pyth = IPyth(_pyth);

    function setERC20Addresses(address _usdc, address _usdt, address _pengu) external onlyOwner {
        usdc = _usdc;
        usdt = _usdt;
        pengu = _pengu;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @dev The user sends some ETH, we figure out how many USD that is,
     *      then how many Bozons minted. Transfer the ETH (minus the Pyth update fee)
     *      to treasury.
     * @param priceUpdate The data from Hermes for fresh feed updates
    function purchaseWithEth(bytes[] calldata priceUpdate)
        // 1) pay pyth fee + update
        uint256 fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdate);
        require(msg.value >= fee, "Not enough ETH to cover Pyth fee");
        pyth.updatePriceFeeds{value: fee}(priceUpdate);

        // 2) figure out how many USD the user paid =>
        //    paidWei = (msg.value - fee)
        //    feed = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(ethUsdFeedId, 60)
        PythStructs.Price memory feed = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(ethUsdFeedId, 60);

        // (msg.value - fee) in Wei => convert to USD
        //   paidUSD = ( (msg.value - fee) * feedPriceUSD )
        //   formula:
        //     ethPrice = feed.price * 10^(+some) ...
        uint256 paidUSD = _toUsd(feed, (msg.value - fee));

        // 3) how many Bozons = paidUSD * 1e18 / pricePerTokenUsd
        uint256 mintedAmount = (paidUSD * 1e18) / pricePerTokenUsd;
        require(mintedAmount > 0, "Not enough ETH sent to buy any tokens");

        // 4) mint
        bozon.minterMint(msg.sender, mintedAmount);

        // 5) send leftover ETH to treasury
        if ((msg.value - fee) > 0) {
            payable(treasury).safeTransferETH(msg.value - fee);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function purchaseWithUsdc(uint256 amountInUsdc, bytes[] calldata priceUpdate)
        // 1) pyth update (requires ETH if fee>0, else we do a separate transaction).
        uint256 fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdate);
        require(fee == 0, "Need to send ETH fee to update Pyth first!");
        pyth.updatePriceFeeds{value: fee}(priceUpdate);

        // 2) user does transferFrom => we need to check we received it or do it after verifying
        //    but typically we do:
        //    USDC: 6 decimals => feed => usdcUsdFeedId
        //    Let's read feed:
        PythStructs.Price memory feed = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(usdcUsdFeedId, 60);

        // convert `amountInUsdc` to USD
        // user must do `usdc.transferFrom(...)` or we do it here
        bool ok = IERC20(usdc).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountInUsdc);
        require(ok, "transferFrom USDC failed");

        uint256 paidUSD = _erc20ToUsd(feed, amountInUsdc, /*decimals=*/6);

        // minted = (paidUSD * 1e18) / pricePerTokenUsd
        uint256 mintedAmount = (paidUSD * 1e18) / pricePerTokenUsd;
        require(mintedAmount > 0, "Not enough USDC to buy any tokens");

        bozon.minterMint(msg.sender, mintedAmount);

        // move the USDC to treasury
        address(usdc).safeTransfer(treasury, amountInUsdc);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function purchaseWithUsdt(uint256 amountInUsdt, bytes[] calldata priceUpdate)
        uint256 fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdate);
        require(fee == 0, "Need ETH to pay Pyth fee");
        pyth.updatePriceFeeds{value: fee}(priceUpdate);

        PythStructs.Price memory feed = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(usdtUsdFeedId, 60);

        bool ok = IERC20(usdt).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountInUsdt);
        require(ok, "transferFrom USDT failed");

        // USDT usually 6 decimals
        uint256 paidUSD = _erc20ToUsd(feed, amountInUsdt, 6);

        uint256 mintedAmount = (paidUSD * 1e18) / pricePerTokenUsd;
        require(mintedAmount > 0, "Not enough USDT for purchase");

        bozon.minterMint(msg.sender, mintedAmount);

        // forward USDT to treasury
        address(usdt).safeTransfer(treasury, amountInUsdt);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function purchaseWithPengu(uint256 amountInPengu, bytes[] calldata priceUpdate)
        uint256 fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdate);
        require(fee == 0, "Need ETH to pay Pyth fee");
        pyth.updatePriceFeeds{value: fee}(priceUpdate);

        PythStructs.Price memory feed = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(penguUsdFeedId, 60);

        // Suppose PENGU has 18 decimals
        bool ok = IERC20(pengu).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountInPengu);
        require(ok, "transferFrom PENGU failed");

        uint256 paidUSD = _erc20ToUsd(feed, amountInPengu, 18);

        uint256 mintedAmount = (paidUSD * 1e18) / pricePerTokenUsd;
        require(mintedAmount > 0, "Not enough PENGU for purchase");

        bozon.minterMint(msg.sender, mintedAmount);

        // forward PENGU to treasury
        address(pengu).safeTransfer(treasury, amountInPengu);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @dev Convert an amount of native ETH (wei) into "USD scaled by 1e18" using the feed price.
     *      feed.price might be something like 1850 * 1e8 with expo=-8 => 1850.00
     * Formula:
     *    paidUSD = (weiAmount * (feed.price * 1e18 / 10^(-feed.expo))) / 1e18
     * but simpler to do step by step.
    function _toUsd(PythStructs.Price memory feed, uint256 weiAmount) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(feed.price > 0, "Negative or zero feed price?");
        // reconstruct feed price in 1e18
        uint256 feedPrice18 = _reconstructPrice(feed);

        // So if feedPrice18 = e.g. 1800.00 * 1e18 => 1800e18
        // paidUSD = (weiAmount * feedPrice18) / 1e18  [but we treat 1 ETH = feedPrice USD]
        // but 1 ETH = 1e18 wei =>
        // => if user sends X wei => X / 1e18 ETH => times feedPrice => => X * feedPrice / 1e18
        uint256 paidUSD = (weiAmount * feedPrice18) / 1e18;
        return paidUSD;

     * @dev Convert `tokenAmount` of some ERC20 with `decimals` to USD using feed.
     *      E.g. if feed says 1 USDC = $1, tokenAmount= 5e6 => $5
     *      If feed says 1 PENGU= $0.1, user has 20 => => $2
    function _erc20ToUsd(PythStructs.Price memory feed, uint256 tokenAmount, uint256 decimals)
        returns (uint256)
        require(feed.price > 0, "Bad feed price");
        uint256 feedPrice18 = _reconstructPrice(feed);

        // scale tokenAmount to 1e18 => e.g. if decimals=6 => tokenAmount * 1e12 => 1e18
        uint256 scale = 10 ** (18 - decimals);
        uint256 tokenAmount18 = tokenAmount * scale;

        // paidUSD = tokenAmount18 * feedPrice18 / 1e18
        uint256 paidUSD = (tokenAmount18 * feedPrice18) / 1e18;
        return paidUSD;

     * @dev Rebuild feed price in base 1e18 from the pyth feed.
     *      feed.price => might be up to 2^63
     *      feed.expo => negative => e.g. -8 if there's 8 decimals
    function _reconstructPrice(PythStructs.Price memory feed) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        int64 p = int64(feed.price);
        int32 e = feed.expo;
        require(p > 0, "price <=0");

        uint256 absP = uint256(int256(p));
        // if expo = -8 => we want 1 => means multiply by 10^8 =>
        // => feedPrice18 = absP * 1e18 / 10^(-expo)
        if (e >= 0) {
            // extremely rare if feed.expo>0 => minted
            return absP * (10 ** uint32(e)) * 1e18;
        } else {
            uint32 negE = uint32(-1 * e);
            uint256 denom = 10 ** negE;
            return (absP * 1e18) / denom;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./PythStructs.sol";
import "./IPythEvents.sol";

/// @title Consume prices from the Pyth Network (https://pyth.network/).
/// @dev Please refer to the guidance at https://docs.pyth.network/documentation/pythnet-price-feeds/best-practices for how to consume prices safely.
/// @author Pyth Data Association
interface IPyth is IPythEvents {
    /// @notice Returns the price of a price feed without any sanity checks.
    /// @dev This function returns the most recent price update in this contract without any recency checks.
    /// This function is unsafe as the returned price update may be arbitrarily far in the past.
    /// Users of this function should check the `publishTime` in the price to ensure that the returned price is
    /// sufficiently recent for their application. If you are considering using this function, it may be
    /// safer / easier to use `getPriceNoOlderThan`.
    /// @return price - please read the documentation of PythStructs.Price to understand how to use this safely.
    function getPriceUnsafe(
        bytes32 id
    ) external view returns (PythStructs.Price memory price);

    /// @notice Returns the price that is no older than `age` seconds of the current time.
    /// @dev This function is a sanity-checked version of `getPriceUnsafe` which is useful in
    /// applications that require a sufficiently-recent price. Reverts if the price wasn't updated sufficiently
    /// recently.
    /// @return price - please read the documentation of PythStructs.Price to understand how to use this safely.
    function getPriceNoOlderThan(
        bytes32 id,
        uint age
    ) external view returns (PythStructs.Price memory price);

    /// @notice Returns the exponentially-weighted moving average price of a price feed without any sanity checks.
    /// @dev This function returns the same price as `getEmaPrice` in the case where the price is available.
    /// However, if the price is not recent this function returns the latest available price.
    /// The returned price can be from arbitrarily far in the past; this function makes no guarantees that
    /// the returned price is recent or useful for any particular application.
    /// Users of this function should check the `publishTime` in the price to ensure that the returned price is
    /// sufficiently recent for their application. If you are considering using this function, it may be
    /// safer / easier to use either `getEmaPrice` or `getEmaPriceNoOlderThan`.
    /// @return price - please read the documentation of PythStructs.Price to understand how to use this safely.
    function getEmaPriceUnsafe(
        bytes32 id
    ) external view returns (PythStructs.Price memory price);

    /// @notice Returns the exponentially-weighted moving average price that is no older than `age` seconds
    /// of the current time.
    /// @dev This function is a sanity-checked version of `getEmaPriceUnsafe` which is useful in
    /// applications that require a sufficiently-recent price. Reverts if the price wasn't updated sufficiently
    /// recently.
    /// @return price - please read the documentation of PythStructs.Price to understand how to use this safely.
    function getEmaPriceNoOlderThan(
        bytes32 id,
        uint age
    ) external view returns (PythStructs.Price memory price);

    /// @notice Update price feeds with given update messages.
    /// This method requires the caller to pay a fee in wei; the required fee can be computed by calling
    /// `getUpdateFee` with the length of the `updateData` array.
    /// Prices will be updated if they are more recent than the current stored prices.
    /// The call will succeed even if the update is not the most recent.
    /// @dev Reverts if the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    function updatePriceFeeds(bytes[] calldata updateData) external payable;

    /// @notice Wrapper around updatePriceFeeds that rejects fast if a price update is not necessary. A price update is
    /// necessary if the current on-chain publishTime is older than the given publishTime. It relies solely on the
    /// given `publishTimes` for the price feeds and does not read the actual price update publish time within `updateData`.
    /// This method requires the caller to pay a fee in wei; the required fee can be computed by calling
    /// `getUpdateFee` with the length of the `updateData` array.
    /// `priceIds` and `publishTimes` are two arrays with the same size that correspond to senders known publishTime
    /// of each priceId when calling this method. If all of price feeds within `priceIds` have updated and have
    /// a newer or equal publish time than the given publish time, it will reject the transaction to save gas.
    /// Otherwise, it calls updatePriceFeeds method to update the prices.
    /// @dev Reverts if update is not needed or the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    /// @param priceIds Array of price ids.
    /// @param publishTimes Array of publishTimes. `publishTimes[i]` corresponds to known `publishTime` of `priceIds[i]`
    function updatePriceFeedsIfNecessary(
        bytes[] calldata updateData,
        bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
        uint64[] calldata publishTimes
    ) external payable;

    /// @notice Returns the required fee to update an array of price updates.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    /// @return feeAmount The required fee in Wei.
    function getUpdateFee(
        bytes[] calldata updateData
    ) external view returns (uint feeAmount);

    /// @notice Parse `updateData` and return price feeds of the given `priceIds` if they are all published
    /// within `minPublishTime` and `maxPublishTime`.
    /// You can use this method if you want to use a Pyth price at a fixed time and not the most recent price;
    /// otherwise, please consider using `updatePriceFeeds`. This method may store the price updates on-chain, if they
    /// are more recent than the current stored prices.
    /// This method requires the caller to pay a fee in wei; the required fee can be computed by calling
    /// `getUpdateFee` with the length of the `updateData` array.
    /// @dev Reverts if the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid or there is
    /// no update for any of the given `priceIds` within the given time range.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    /// @param priceIds Array of price ids.
    /// @param minPublishTime minimum acceptable publishTime for the given `priceIds`.
    /// @param maxPublishTime maximum acceptable publishTime for the given `priceIds`.
    /// @return priceFeeds Array of the price feeds corresponding to the given `priceIds` (with the same order).
    function parsePriceFeedUpdates(
        bytes[] calldata updateData,
        bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
        uint64 minPublishTime,
        uint64 maxPublishTime
    ) external payable returns (PythStructs.PriceFeed[] memory priceFeeds);

    /// @notice Similar to `parsePriceFeedUpdates` but ensures the updates returned are
    /// the first updates published in minPublishTime. That is, if there are multiple updates for a given timestamp,
    /// this method will return the first update. This method may store the price updates on-chain, if they
    /// are more recent than the current stored prices.
    /// @dev Reverts if the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid or there is
    /// no update for any of the given `priceIds` within the given time range and uniqueness condition.
    /// @param updateData Array of price update data.
    /// @param priceIds Array of price ids.
    /// @param minPublishTime minimum acceptable publishTime for the given `priceIds`.
    /// @param maxPublishTime maximum acceptable publishTime for the given `priceIds`.
    /// @return priceFeeds Array of the price feeds corresponding to the given `priceIds` (with the same order).
    function parsePriceFeedUpdatesUnique(
        bytes[] calldata updateData,
        bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
        uint64 minPublishTime,
        uint64 maxPublishTime
    ) external payable returns (PythStructs.PriceFeed[] memory priceFeeds);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

/// @notice Simple single owner authorization mixin.
/// @author Solady (https://github.com/vectorized/solady/blob/main/src/auth/Ownable.sol)
/// @dev Note:
/// This implementation does NOT auto-initialize the owner to `msg.sender`.
/// You MUST call the `_initializeOwner` in the constructor / initializer.
/// While the ownable portion follows
/// [EIP-173](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-173) for compatibility,
/// the nomenclature for the 2-step ownership handover may be unique to this codebase.
abstract contract Ownable {
    /*                       CUSTOM ERRORS                        */

    /// @dev The caller is not authorized to call the function.
    error Unauthorized();

    /// @dev The `newOwner` cannot be the zero address.
    error NewOwnerIsZeroAddress();

    /// @dev The `pendingOwner` does not have a valid handover request.
    error NoHandoverRequest();

    /// @dev Cannot double-initialize.
    error AlreadyInitialized();

    /*                           EVENTS                           */

    /// @dev The ownership is transferred from `oldOwner` to `newOwner`.
    /// This event is intentionally kept the same as OpenZeppelin's Ownable to be
    /// compatible with indexers and [EIP-173](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-173),
    /// despite it not being as lightweight as a single argument event.
    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed oldOwner, address indexed newOwner);

    /// @dev An ownership handover to `pendingOwner` has been requested.
    event OwnershipHandoverRequested(address indexed pendingOwner);

    /// @dev The ownership handover to `pendingOwner` has been canceled.
    event OwnershipHandoverCanceled(address indexed pendingOwner);

    /// @dev `keccak256(bytes("OwnershipTransferred(address,address)"))`.
    uint256 private constant _OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED_EVENT_SIGNATURE =

    /// @dev `keccak256(bytes("OwnershipHandoverRequested(address)"))`.

    /// @dev `keccak256(bytes("OwnershipHandoverCanceled(address)"))`.

    /*                          STORAGE                           */

    /// @dev The owner slot is given by:
    /// `bytes32(~uint256(uint32(bytes4(keccak256("_OWNER_SLOT_NOT")))))`.
    /// It is intentionally chosen to be a high value
    /// to avoid collision with lower slots.
    /// The choice of manual storage layout is to enable compatibility
    /// with both regular and upgradeable contracts.
    bytes32 internal constant _OWNER_SLOT =

    /// The ownership handover slot of `newOwner` is given by:
    /// ```
    ///     mstore(0x00, or(shl(96, user), _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED))
    ///     let handoverSlot := keccak256(0x00, 0x20)
    /// ```
    /// It stores the expiry timestamp of the two-step ownership handover.
    uint256 private constant _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED = 0x389a75e1;

    /*                     INTERNAL FUNCTIONS                     */

    /// @dev Override to return true to make `_initializeOwner` prevent double-initialization.
    function _guardInitializeOwner() internal pure virtual returns (bool guard) {}

    /// @dev Initializes the owner directly without authorization guard.
    /// This function must be called upon initialization,
    /// regardless of whether the contract is upgradeable or not.
    /// This is to enable generalization to both regular and upgradeable contracts,
    /// and to save gas in case the initial owner is not the caller.
    /// For performance reasons, this function will not check if there
    /// is an existing owner.
    function _initializeOwner(address newOwner) internal virtual {
        if (_guardInitializeOwner()) {
            /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
            assembly {
                let ownerSlot := _OWNER_SLOT
                if sload(ownerSlot) {
                    mstore(0x00, 0x0dc149f0) // `AlreadyInitialized()`.
                    revert(0x1c, 0x04)
                // Clean the upper 96 bits.
                newOwner := shr(96, shl(96, newOwner))
                // Store the new value.
                sstore(ownerSlot, or(newOwner, shl(255, iszero(newOwner))))
                // Emit the {OwnershipTransferred} event.
                log3(0, 0, _OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, 0, newOwner)
        } else {
            /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
            assembly {
                // Clean the upper 96 bits.
                newOwner := shr(96, shl(96, newOwner))
                // Store the new value.
                sstore(_OWNER_SLOT, newOwner)
                // Emit the {OwnershipTransferred} event.
                log3(0, 0, _OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, 0, newOwner)

    /// @dev Sets the owner directly without authorization guard.
    function _setOwner(address newOwner) internal virtual {
        if (_guardInitializeOwner()) {
            /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
            assembly {
                let ownerSlot := _OWNER_SLOT
                // Clean the upper 96 bits.
                newOwner := shr(96, shl(96, newOwner))
                // Emit the {OwnershipTransferred} event.
                log3(0, 0, _OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, sload(ownerSlot), newOwner)
                // Store the new value.
                sstore(ownerSlot, or(newOwner, shl(255, iszero(newOwner))))
        } else {
            /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
            assembly {
                let ownerSlot := _OWNER_SLOT
                // Clean the upper 96 bits.
                newOwner := shr(96, shl(96, newOwner))
                // Emit the {OwnershipTransferred} event.
                log3(0, 0, _OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, sload(ownerSlot), newOwner)
                // Store the new value.
                sstore(ownerSlot, newOwner)

    /// @dev Throws if the sender is not the owner.
    function _checkOwner() internal view virtual {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            // If the caller is not the stored owner, revert.
            if iszero(eq(caller(), sload(_OWNER_SLOT))) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x82b42900) // `Unauthorized()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)

    /// @dev Returns how long a two-step ownership handover is valid for in seconds.
    /// Override to return a different value if needed.
    /// Made internal to conserve bytecode. Wrap it in a public function if needed.
    function _ownershipHandoverValidFor() internal view virtual returns (uint64) {
        return 48 * 3600;

    /*                  PUBLIC UPDATE FUNCTIONS                   */

    /// @dev Allows the owner to transfer the ownership to `newOwner`.
    function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public payable virtual onlyOwner {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            if iszero(shl(96, newOwner)) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x7448fbae) // `NewOwnerIsZeroAddress()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)

    /// @dev Allows the owner to renounce their ownership.
    function renounceOwnership() public payable virtual onlyOwner {

    /// @dev Request a two-step ownership handover to the caller.
    /// The request will automatically expire in 48 hours (172800 seconds) by default.
    function requestOwnershipHandover() public payable virtual {
        unchecked {
            uint256 expires = block.timestamp + _ownershipHandoverValidFor();
            /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
            assembly {
                // Compute and set the handover slot to `expires`.
                mstore(0x0c, _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED)
                mstore(0x00, caller())
                sstore(keccak256(0x0c, 0x20), expires)
                // Emit the {OwnershipHandoverRequested} event.
                log2(0, 0, _OWNERSHIP_HANDOVER_REQUESTED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, caller())

    /// @dev Cancels the two-step ownership handover to the caller, if any.
    function cancelOwnershipHandover() public payable virtual {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            // Compute and set the handover slot to 0.
            mstore(0x0c, _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED)
            mstore(0x00, caller())
            sstore(keccak256(0x0c, 0x20), 0)
            // Emit the {OwnershipHandoverCanceled} event.
            log2(0, 0, _OWNERSHIP_HANDOVER_CANCELED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, caller())

    /// @dev Allows the owner to complete the two-step ownership handover to `pendingOwner`.
    /// Reverts if there is no existing ownership handover requested by `pendingOwner`.
    function completeOwnershipHandover(address pendingOwner) public payable virtual onlyOwner {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            // Compute and set the handover slot to 0.
            mstore(0x0c, _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED)
            mstore(0x00, pendingOwner)
            let handoverSlot := keccak256(0x0c, 0x20)
            // If the handover does not exist, or has expired.
            if gt(timestamp(), sload(handoverSlot)) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x6f5e8818) // `NoHandoverRequest()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            // Set the handover slot to 0.
            sstore(handoverSlot, 0)

    /*                   PUBLIC READ FUNCTIONS                    */

    /// @dev Returns the owner of the contract.
    function owner() public view virtual returns (address result) {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            result := sload(_OWNER_SLOT)

    /// @dev Returns the expiry timestamp for the two-step ownership handover to `pendingOwner`.
    function ownershipHandoverExpiresAt(address pendingOwner)
        returns (uint256 result)
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            // Compute the handover slot.
            mstore(0x0c, _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED)
            mstore(0x00, pendingOwner)
            // Load the handover slot.
            result := sload(keccak256(0x0c, 0x20))

    /*                         MODIFIERS                          */

    /// @dev Marks a function as only callable by the owner.
    modifier onlyOwner() virtual {

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

/// @notice Safe ETH and ERC20 transfer library that gracefully handles missing return values.
/// @author Solady (https://github.com/vectorized/solady/blob/main/src/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol)
/// @author Modified from Solmate (https://github.com/transmissions11/solmate/blob/main/src/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol)
/// @author Permit2 operations from (https://github.com/Uniswap/permit2/blob/main/src/libraries/Permit2Lib.sol)
/// @dev Note:
/// - For ETH transfers, please use `forceSafeTransferETH` for DoS protection.
library SafeTransferLib {
    /*                       CUSTOM ERRORS                        */

    /// @dev The ETH transfer has failed.
    error ETHTransferFailed();

    /// @dev The ERC20 `transferFrom` has failed.
    error TransferFromFailed();

    /// @dev The ERC20 `transfer` has failed.
    error TransferFailed();

    /// @dev The ERC20 `approve` has failed.
    error ApproveFailed();

    /// @dev The ERC20 `totalSupply` query has failed.
    error TotalSupplyQueryFailed();

    /// @dev The Permit2 operation has failed.
    error Permit2Failed();

    /// @dev The Permit2 amount must be less than `2**160 - 1`.
    error Permit2AmountOverflow();

    /// @dev The Permit2 approve operation has failed.
    error Permit2ApproveFailed();

    /// @dev The Permit2 lockdown operation has failed.
    error Permit2LockdownFailed();

    /*                         CONSTANTS                          */

    /// @dev Suggested gas stipend for contract receiving ETH that disallows any storage writes.
    uint256 internal constant GAS_STIPEND_NO_STORAGE_WRITES = 2300;

    /// @dev Suggested gas stipend for contract receiving ETH to perform a few
    /// storage reads and writes, but low enough to prevent griefing.
    uint256 internal constant GAS_STIPEND_NO_GRIEF = 100000;

    /// @dev The unique EIP-712 domain domain separator for the DAI token contract.
    bytes32 internal constant DAI_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR =

    /// @dev The address for the WETH9 contract on Ethereum mainnet.
    address internal constant WETH9 = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2;

    /// @dev The canonical Permit2 address.
    /// [Github](https://github.com/Uniswap/permit2)
    /// [Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/address/0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3)
    address internal constant PERMIT2 = 0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3;

    /*                       ETH OPERATIONS                       */

    // If the ETH transfer MUST succeed with a reasonable gas budget, use the force variants.
    // The regular variants:
    // - Forwards all remaining gas to the target.
    // - Reverts if the target reverts.
    // - Reverts if the current contract has insufficient balance.
    // The force variants:
    // - Forwards with an optional gas stipend
    //   (defaults to `GAS_STIPEND_NO_GRIEF`, which is sufficient for most cases).
    // - If the target reverts, or if the gas stipend is exhausted,
    //   creates a temporary contract to force send the ETH via `SELFDESTRUCT`.
    //   Future compatible with `SENDALL`: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4758.
    // - Reverts if the current contract has insufficient balance.
    // The try variants:
    // - Forwards with a mandatory gas stipend.
    // - Instead of reverting, returns whether the transfer succeeded.

    /// @dev Sends `amount` (in wei) ETH to `to`.
    function safeTransferETH(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            if iszero(call(gas(), to, amount, codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00)) {
                mstore(0x00, 0xb12d13eb) // `ETHTransferFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)

    /// @dev Sends all the ETH in the current contract to `to`.
    function safeTransferAllETH(address to) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            // Transfer all the ETH and check if it succeeded or not.
            if iszero(call(gas(), to, selfbalance(), codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00)) {
                mstore(0x00, 0xb12d13eb) // `ETHTransferFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)

    /// @dev Force sends `amount` (in wei) ETH to `to`, with a `gasStipend`.
    function forceSafeTransferETH(address to, uint256 amount, uint256 gasStipend) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            if lt(selfbalance(), amount) {
                mstore(0x00, 0xb12d13eb) // `ETHTransferFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            if iszero(call(gasStipend, to, amount, codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00)) {
                mstore(0x00, to) // Store the address in scratch space.
                mstore8(0x0b, 0x73) // Opcode `PUSH20`.
                mstore8(0x20, 0xff) // Opcode `SELFDESTRUCT`.
                if iszero(create(amount, 0x0b, 0x16)) { revert(codesize(), codesize()) } // For gas estimation.

    /// @dev Force sends all the ETH in the current contract to `to`, with a `gasStipend`.
    function forceSafeTransferAllETH(address to, uint256 gasStipend) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            if iszero(call(gasStipend, to, selfbalance(), codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00)) {
                mstore(0x00, to) // Store the address in scratch space.
                mstore8(0x0b, 0x73) // Opcode `PUSH20`.
                mstore8(0x20, 0xff) // Opcode `SELFDESTRUCT`.
                if iszero(create(selfbalance(), 0x0b, 0x16)) { revert(codesize(), codesize()) } // For gas estimation.

    /// @dev Force sends `amount` (in wei) ETH to `to`, with `GAS_STIPEND_NO_GRIEF`.
    function forceSafeTransferETH(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            if lt(selfbalance(), amount) {
                mstore(0x00, 0xb12d13eb) // `ETHTransferFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            if iszero(call(GAS_STIPEND_NO_GRIEF, to, amount, codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00)) {
                mstore(0x00, to) // Store the address in scratch space.
                mstore8(0x0b, 0x73) // Opcode `PUSH20`.
                mstore8(0x20, 0xff) // Opcode `SELFDESTRUCT`.
                if iszero(create(amount, 0x0b, 0x16)) { revert(codesize(), codesize()) } // For gas estimation.

    /// @dev Force sends all the ETH in the current contract to `to`, with `GAS_STIPEND_NO_GRIEF`.
    function forceSafeTransferAllETH(address to) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            // forgefmt: disable-next-item
            if iszero(call(GAS_STIPEND_NO_GRIEF, to, selfbalance(), codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00)) {
                mstore(0x00, to) // Store the address in scratch space.
                mstore8(0x0b, 0x73) // Opcode `PUSH20`.
                mstore8(0x20, 0xff) // Opcode `SELFDESTRUCT`.
                if iszero(create(selfbalance(), 0x0b, 0x16)) { revert(codesize(), codesize()) } // For gas estimation.

    /// @dev Sends `amount` (in wei) ETH to `to`, with a `gasStipend`.
    function trySafeTransferETH(address to, uint256 amount, uint256 gasStipend)
        returns (bool success)
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            success := call(gasStipend, to, amount, codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00)

    /// @dev Sends all the ETH in the current contract to `to`, with a `gasStipend`.
    function trySafeTransferAllETH(address to, uint256 gasStipend)
        returns (bool success)
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            success := call(gasStipend, to, selfbalance(), codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00)

    /*                      ERC20 OPERATIONS                      */

    /// @dev Sends `amount` of ERC20 `token` from `from` to `to`.
    /// Reverts upon failure.
    /// The `from` account must have at least `amount` approved for
    /// the current contract to manage.
    function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            let m := mload(0x40) // Cache the free memory pointer.
            mstore(0x60, amount) // Store the `amount` argument.
            mstore(0x40, to) // Store the `to` argument.
            mstore(0x2c, shl(96, from)) // Store the `from` argument.
            mstore(0x0c, 0x23b872dd000000000000000000000000) // `transferFrom(address,address,uint256)`.
            let success := call(gas(), token, 0, 0x1c, 0x64, 0x00, 0x20)
            if iszero(and(eq(mload(0x00), 1), success)) {
                if iszero(lt(or(iszero(extcodesize(token)), returndatasize()), success)) {
                    mstore(0x00, 0x7939f424) // `TransferFromFailed()`.
                    revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero slot to zero.
            mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.

    /// @dev Sends `amount` of ERC20 `token` from `from` to `to`.
    /// The `from` account must have at least `amount` approved for the current contract to manage.
    function trySafeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount)
        returns (bool success)
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            let m := mload(0x40) // Cache the free memory pointer.
            mstore(0x60, amount) // Store the `amount` argument.
            mstore(0x40, to) // Store the `to` argument.
            mstore(0x2c, shl(96, from)) // Store the `from` argument.
            mstore(0x0c, 0x23b872dd000000000000000000000000) // `transferFrom(address,address,uint256)`.
            success := call(gas(), token, 0, 0x1c, 0x64, 0x00, 0x20)
            if iszero(and(eq(mload(0x00), 1), success)) {
                success := lt(or(iszero(extcodesize(token)), returndatasize()), success)
            mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero slot to zero.
            mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.

    /// @dev Sends all of ERC20 `token` from `from` to `to`.
    /// Reverts upon failure.
    /// The `from` account must have their entire balance approved for the current contract to manage.
    function safeTransferAllFrom(address token, address from, address to)
        returns (uint256 amount)
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            let m := mload(0x40) // Cache the free memory pointer.
            mstore(0x40, to) // Store the `to` argument.
            mstore(0x2c, shl(96, from)) // Store the `from` argument.
            mstore(0x0c, 0x70a08231000000000000000000000000) // `balanceOf(address)`.
            // Read the balance, reverting upon failure.
            if iszero(
                and( // The arguments of `and` are evaluated from right to left.
                    gt(returndatasize(), 0x1f), // At least 32 bytes returned.
                    staticcall(gas(), token, 0x1c, 0x24, 0x60, 0x20)
            ) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x7939f424) // `TransferFromFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            mstore(0x00, 0x23b872dd) // `transferFrom(address,address,uint256)`.
            amount := mload(0x60) // The `amount` is already at 0x60. We'll need to return it.
            // Perform the transfer, reverting upon failure.
            let success := call(gas(), token, 0, 0x1c, 0x64, 0x00, 0x20)
            if iszero(and(eq(mload(0x00), 1), success)) {
                if iszero(lt(or(iszero(extcodesize(token)), returndatasize()), success)) {
                    mstore(0x00, 0x7939f424) // `TransferFromFailed()`.
                    revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero slot to zero.
            mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.

    /// @dev Sends `amount` of ERC20 `token` from the current contract to `to`.
    /// Reverts upon failure.
    function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            mstore(0x14, to) // Store the `to` argument.
            mstore(0x34, amount) // Store the `amount` argument.
            mstore(0x00, 0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000) // `transfer(address,uint256)`.
            // Perform the transfer, reverting upon failure.
            let success := call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20)
            if iszero(and(eq(mload(0x00), 1), success)) {
                if iszero(lt(or(iszero(extcodesize(token)), returndatasize()), success)) {
                    mstore(0x00, 0x90b8ec18) // `TransferFailed()`.
                    revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            mstore(0x34, 0) // Restore the part of the free memory pointer that was overwritten.

    /// @dev Sends all of ERC20 `token` from the current contract to `to`.
    /// Reverts upon failure.
    function safeTransferAll(address token, address to) internal returns (uint256 amount) {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            mstore(0x00, 0x70a08231) // Store the function selector of `balanceOf(address)`.
            mstore(0x20, address()) // Store the address of the current contract.
            // Read the balance, reverting upon failure.
            if iszero(
                and( // The arguments of `and` are evaluated from right to left.
                    gt(returndatasize(), 0x1f), // At least 32 bytes returned.
                    staticcall(gas(), token, 0x1c, 0x24, 0x34, 0x20)
            ) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x90b8ec18) // `TransferFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            mstore(0x14, to) // Store the `to` argument.
            amount := mload(0x34) // The `amount` is already at 0x34. We'll need to return it.
            mstore(0x00, 0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000) // `transfer(address,uint256)`.
            // Perform the transfer, reverting upon failure.
            let success := call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20)
            if iszero(and(eq(mload(0x00), 1), success)) {
                if iszero(lt(or(iszero(extcodesize(token)), returndatasize()), success)) {
                    mstore(0x00, 0x90b8ec18) // `TransferFailed()`.
                    revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            mstore(0x34, 0) // Restore the part of the free memory pointer that was overwritten.

    /// @dev Sets `amount` of ERC20 `token` for `to` to manage on behalf of the current contract.
    /// Reverts upon failure.
    function safeApprove(address token, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            mstore(0x14, to) // Store the `to` argument.
            mstore(0x34, amount) // Store the `amount` argument.
            mstore(0x00, 0x095ea7b3000000000000000000000000) // `approve(address,uint256)`.
            let success := call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20)
            if iszero(and(eq(mload(0x00), 1), success)) {
                if iszero(lt(or(iszero(extcodesize(token)), returndatasize()), success)) {
                    mstore(0x00, 0x3e3f8f73) // `ApproveFailed()`.
                    revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            mstore(0x34, 0) // Restore the part of the free memory pointer that was overwritten.

    /// @dev Sets `amount` of ERC20 `token` for `to` to manage on behalf of the current contract.
    /// If the initial attempt to approve fails, attempts to reset the approved amount to zero,
    /// then retries the approval again (some tokens, e.g. USDT, requires this).
    /// Reverts upon failure.
    function safeApproveWithRetry(address token, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            mstore(0x14, to) // Store the `to` argument.
            mstore(0x34, amount) // Store the `amount` argument.
            mstore(0x00, 0x095ea7b3000000000000000000000000) // `approve(address,uint256)`.
            // Perform the approval, retrying upon failure.
            let success := call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20)
            if iszero(and(eq(mload(0x00), 1), success)) {
                if iszero(lt(or(iszero(extcodesize(token)), returndatasize()), success)) {
                    mstore(0x34, 0) // Store 0 for the `amount`.
                    mstore(0x00, 0x095ea7b3000000000000000000000000) // `approve(address,uint256)`.
                    pop(call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, codesize(), 0x00)) // Reset the approval.
                    mstore(0x34, amount) // Store back the original `amount`.
                    // Retry the approval, reverting upon failure.
                    success := call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20)
                    if iszero(and(eq(mload(0x00), 1), success)) {
                        // Check the `extcodesize` again just in case the token selfdestructs lol.
                        if iszero(lt(or(iszero(extcodesize(token)), returndatasize()), success)) {
                            mstore(0x00, 0x3e3f8f73) // `ApproveFailed()`.
                            revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            mstore(0x34, 0) // Restore the part of the free memory pointer that was overwritten.

    /// @dev Returns the amount of ERC20 `token` owned by `account`.
    /// Returns zero if the `token` does not exist.
    function balanceOf(address token, address account) internal view returns (uint256 amount) {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            mstore(0x14, account) // Store the `account` argument.
            mstore(0x00, 0x70a08231000000000000000000000000) // `balanceOf(address)`.
            amount :=
                mul( // The arguments of `mul` are evaluated from right to left.
                    and( // The arguments of `and` are evaluated from right to left.
                        gt(returndatasize(), 0x1f), // At least 32 bytes returned.
                        staticcall(gas(), token, 0x10, 0x24, 0x20, 0x20)

    /// @dev Returns the total supply of the `token`.
    /// Reverts if the token does not exist or does not implement `totalSupply()`.
    function totalSupply(address token) internal view returns (uint256 result) {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            mstore(0x00, 0x18160ddd) // `totalSupply()`.
            if iszero(
                and(gt(returndatasize(), 0x1f), staticcall(gas(), token, 0x1c, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20))
            ) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x54cd9435) // `TotalSupplyQueryFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            result := mload(0x00)

    /// @dev Sends `amount` of ERC20 `token` from `from` to `to`.
    /// If the initial attempt fails, try to use Permit2 to transfer the token.
    /// Reverts upon failure.
    /// The `from` account must have at least `amount` approved for the current contract to manage.
    function safeTransferFrom2(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        if (!trySafeTransferFrom(token, from, to, amount)) {
            permit2TransferFrom(token, from, to, amount);

    /// @dev Sends `amount` of ERC20 `token` from `from` to `to` via Permit2.
    /// Reverts upon failure.
    function permit2TransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount)
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            let m := mload(0x40)
            mstore(add(m, 0x74), shr(96, shl(96, token)))
            mstore(add(m, 0x54), amount)
            mstore(add(m, 0x34), to)
            mstore(add(m, 0x20), shl(96, from))
            // `transferFrom(address,address,uint160,address)`.
            mstore(m, 0x36c78516000000000000000000000000)
            let p := PERMIT2
            let exists := eq(chainid(), 1)
            if iszero(exists) { exists := iszero(iszero(extcodesize(p))) }
            if iszero(
                    call(gas(), p, 0, add(m, 0x10), 0x84, codesize(), 0x00),
                    lt(iszero(extcodesize(token)), exists) // Token has code and Permit2 exists.
            ) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x7939f4248757f0fd) // `TransferFromFailed()` or `Permit2AmountOverflow()`.
                revert(add(0x18, shl(2, iszero(iszero(shr(160, amount))))), 0x04)

    /// @dev Permit a user to spend a given amount of
    /// another user's tokens via native EIP-2612 permit if possible, falling
    /// back to Permit2 if native permit fails or is not implemented on the token.
    function permit2(
        address token,
        address owner,
        address spender,
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 deadline,
        uint8 v,
        bytes32 r,
        bytes32 s
    ) internal {
        bool success;
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            for {} shl(96, xor(token, WETH9)) {} {
                mstore(0x00, 0x3644e515) // `DOMAIN_SEPARATOR()`.
                if iszero(
                    and( // The arguments of `and` are evaluated from right to left.
                        lt(iszero(mload(0x00)), eq(returndatasize(), 0x20)), // Returns 1 non-zero word.
                        // Gas stipend to limit gas burn for tokens that don't refund gas when
                        // an non-existing function is called. 5K should be enough for a SLOAD.
                        staticcall(5000, token, 0x1c, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20)
                ) { break }
                // After here, we can be sure that token is a contract.
                let m := mload(0x40)
                mstore(add(m, 0x34), spender)
                mstore(add(m, 0x20), shl(96, owner))
                mstore(add(m, 0x74), deadline)
                if eq(mload(0x00), DAI_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) {
                    mstore(0x14, owner)
                    mstore(0x00, 0x7ecebe00000000000000000000000000) // `nonces(address)`.
                        add(m, 0x94),
                        lt(iszero(amount), staticcall(gas(), token, 0x10, 0x24, add(m, 0x54), 0x20))
                    mstore(m, 0x8fcbaf0c000000000000000000000000) // `IDAIPermit.permit`.
                    // `nonces` is already at `add(m, 0x54)`.
                    // `amount != 0` is already stored at `add(m, 0x94)`.
                    mstore(add(m, 0xb4), and(0xff, v))
                    mstore(add(m, 0xd4), r)
                    mstore(add(m, 0xf4), s)
                    success := call(gas(), token, 0, add(m, 0x10), 0x104, codesize(), 0x00)
                mstore(m, 0xd505accf000000000000000000000000) // `IERC20Permit.permit`.
                mstore(add(m, 0x54), amount)
                mstore(add(m, 0x94), and(0xff, v))
                mstore(add(m, 0xb4), r)
                mstore(add(m, 0xd4), s)
                success := call(gas(), token, 0, add(m, 0x10), 0xe4, codesize(), 0x00)
        if (!success) simplePermit2(token, owner, spender, amount, deadline, v, r, s);

    /// @dev Simple permit on the Permit2 contract.
    function simplePermit2(
        address token,
        address owner,
        address spender,
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 deadline,
        uint8 v,
        bytes32 r,
        bytes32 s
    ) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            let m := mload(0x40)
            mstore(m, 0x927da105) // `allowance(address,address,address)`.
                let addressMask := shr(96, not(0))
                mstore(add(m, 0x20), and(addressMask, owner))
                mstore(add(m, 0x40), and(addressMask, token))
                mstore(add(m, 0x60), and(addressMask, spender))
                mstore(add(m, 0xc0), and(addressMask, spender))
            let p := mul(PERMIT2, iszero(shr(160, amount)))
            if iszero(
                and( // The arguments of `and` are evaluated from right to left.
                    gt(returndatasize(), 0x5f), // Returns 3 words: `amount`, `expiration`, `nonce`.
                    staticcall(gas(), p, add(m, 0x1c), 0x64, add(m, 0x60), 0x60)
            ) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x6b836e6b8757f0fd) // `Permit2Failed()` or `Permit2AmountOverflow()`.
                revert(add(0x18, shl(2, iszero(p))), 0x04)
            mstore(m, 0x2b67b570) // `Permit2.permit` (PermitSingle variant).
            // `owner` is already `add(m, 0x20)`.
            // `token` is already at `add(m, 0x40)`.
            mstore(add(m, 0x60), amount)
            mstore(add(m, 0x80), 0xffffffffffff) // `expiration = type(uint48).max`.
            // `nonce` is already at `add(m, 0xa0)`.
            // `spender` is already at `add(m, 0xc0)`.
            mstore(add(m, 0xe0), deadline)
            mstore(add(m, 0x100), 0x100) // `signature` offset.
            mstore(add(m, 0x120), 0x41) // `signature` length.
            mstore(add(m, 0x140), r)
            mstore(add(m, 0x160), s)
            mstore(add(m, 0x180), shl(248, v))
            if iszero( // Revert if token does not have code, or if the call fails.
            mul(extcodesize(token), call(gas(), p, 0, add(m, 0x1c), 0x184, codesize(), 0x00))) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x6b836e6b) // `Permit2Failed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)

    /// @dev Approves `spender` to spend `amount` of `token` for `address(this)`.
    function permit2Approve(address token, address spender, uint160 amount, uint48 expiration)
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            let addressMask := shr(96, not(0))
            let m := mload(0x40)
            mstore(m, 0x87517c45) // `approve(address,address,uint160,uint48)`.
            mstore(add(m, 0x20), and(addressMask, token))
            mstore(add(m, 0x40), and(addressMask, spender))
            mstore(add(m, 0x60), and(addressMask, amount))
            mstore(add(m, 0x80), and(0xffffffffffff, expiration))
            if iszero(call(gas(), PERMIT2, 0, add(m, 0x1c), 0xa0, codesize(), 0x00)) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x324f14ae) // `Permit2ApproveFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)

    /// @dev Revokes an approval for `token` and `spender` for `address(this)`.
    function permit2Lockdown(address token, address spender) internal {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            let m := mload(0x40)
            mstore(m, 0xcc53287f) // `Permit2.lockdown`.
            mstore(add(m, 0x20), 0x20) // Offset of the `approvals`.
            mstore(add(m, 0x40), 1) // `approvals.length`.
            mstore(add(m, 0x60), shr(96, shl(96, token)))
            mstore(add(m, 0x80), shr(96, shl(96, spender)))
            if iszero(call(gas(), PERMIT2, 0, add(m, 0x1c), 0xa0, codesize(), 0x00)) {
                mstore(0x00, 0x96b3de23) // `Permit2LockdownFailed()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract PythStructs {
    // A price with a degree of uncertainty, represented as a price +- a confidence interval.
    // The confidence interval roughly corresponds to the standard error of a normal distribution.
    // Both the price and confidence are stored in a fixed-point numeric representation,
    // `x * (10^expo)`, where `expo` is the exponent.
    // Please refer to the documentation at https://docs.pyth.network/documentation/pythnet-price-feeds/best-practices for how
    // to how this price safely.
    struct Price {
        // Price
        int64 price;
        // Confidence interval around the price
        uint64 conf;
        // Price exponent
        int32 expo;
        // Unix timestamp describing when the price was published
        uint publishTime;

    // PriceFeed represents a current aggregate price from pyth publisher feeds.
    struct PriceFeed {
        // The price ID.
        bytes32 id;
        // Latest available price
        Price price;
        // Latest available exponentially-weighted moving average price
        Price emaPrice;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

/// @notice Reentrancy guard mixin.
/// @author Solady (https://github.com/vectorized/solady/blob/main/src/utils/ReentrancyGuard.sol)
abstract contract ReentrancyGuard {
    /*                       CUSTOM ERRORS                        */

    /// @dev Unauthorized reentrant call.
    error Reentrancy();

    /*                          STORAGE                           */

    /// @dev Equivalent to: `uint72(bytes9(keccak256("_REENTRANCY_GUARD_SLOT")))`.
    /// 9 bytes is large enough to avoid collisions with lower slots,
    /// but not too large to result in excessive bytecode bloat.
    uint256 private constant _REENTRANCY_GUARD_SLOT = 0x929eee149b4bd21268;

    /*                      REENTRANCY GUARD                      */

    /// @dev Guards a function from reentrancy.
    modifier nonReentrant() virtual {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            if eq(sload(_REENTRANCY_GUARD_SLOT), address()) {
                mstore(0x00, 0xab143c06) // `Reentrancy()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
            sstore(_REENTRANCY_GUARD_SLOT, address())
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            sstore(_REENTRANCY_GUARD_SLOT, codesize())

    /// @dev Guards a view function from read-only reentrancy.
    modifier nonReadReentrant() virtual {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            if eq(sload(_REENTRANCY_GUARD_SLOT), address()) {
                mstore(0x00, 0xab143c06) // `Reentrancy()`.
                revert(0x1c, 0x04)

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @title IPythEvents contains the events that Pyth contract emits.
/// @dev This interface can be used for listening to the updates for off-chain and testing purposes.
interface IPythEvents {
    /// @dev Emitted when the price feed with `id` has received a fresh update.
    /// @param id The Pyth Price Feed ID.
    /// @param publishTime Publish time of the given price update.
    /// @param price Price of the given price update.
    /// @param conf Confidence interval of the given price update.
    event PriceFeedUpdate(
        bytes32 indexed id,
        uint64 publishTime,
        int64 price,
        uint64 conf

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